The computer is very similar to, and just as talkative as, the personality modules given to the Light Switches in The Sink.

A female-voiced on-board computer narrates the usage and current levels of these items, as well as warning of impending combat situations, reminding the player of an active Pip-Boy light, and making off-hand comments without prompting. The suit itself has a built-in medical system that dispenses Med-X and stimpaks automatically. The suit has a similar design to the assassin suit, but is cleaner and has a luminescent white chest piece with similar white stripes on the back. These upgrades are necessary for the user to benefit from the more advanced subsystems, such as gloves coated with a rubberized dampening compound to enhance manual dexterity or advanced servomotor buffers in the leg rigs, allowing for faster sneaking. The core element of the suit is a central control system located in the torso, which controls the built-in medical dispenser, capable of injecting Med-X and stimpaks automatically, provides real time feedback on battlefield conditions, automatically fits the suit to the user's shape and frame and automatically adapts systems to the user's specifications during testing and unlock features as they come online (though since it never left the testing phase, the control system requires the user to complete infiltration tests in the X-13 research facility), based on an ingenious firmware upgrade created by researcher Kael. While the first unit was merely a standard suit of armor, built to test the validity of the pattern, the Mark II became a unique, computerized platform, combining the best technologies available to Big Mountain. After the proof-of-concept suit was completed, work began in earnest on an actual prototype. Created by Big MT researchers in the X-13 research facility using captured Chinese stealth armor technology as a basis, the aural stealth suit was supposed to be a next generation, cutting edge infiltration suit, to be used in the war effort.